Thursday, September 17, 2009

Are you "crazy" for god?

Awesome video - the guy expresses his thoughts about the extreme right, and pretty much nails how I feel right now:

Frank Schaeffer on Rachel Maddow

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cartoon - State sponsored religion

In case the image doesn't appear, it can be found here:
Whenever someone says we need to have state sponsored religion, or prayer in schools, just think of this cartoon, and if possible show them. Ask them what they would think if their kid were forced to pray to Zeus, Elvis, Jupiter, or Saturn.

When they say that would be wrong b/c those gods aren't the "real" God, ask them why their belief is worth more than their neighbors, and remind them of the first amendment and how it states "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion". Also, remind them that Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, was for the separation of church and state, and at times was called an non-christian by his political advesaries, while James Madison, the father of the US Constitution, helped draft the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, which disestablished the Church of England, and disclaimed any power of state compulsion in religious matters. If the primary authors of the two founding documents of this country worked and fought for the seperation of Church and State, how can we now have state sponsored religion?